Unix process parameters

(See the man page of getrusage for details)

inblockBlock input operations (to local disks)

This does not include reads from cache or network file systems.

majfltPage faults
maxrssMaximum resident set size
minfltPage reclaims
nivcswInvoluntary context switches
nvcswVoluntary context switches
oublockBlock output operations (to local disks)

This does not include writes to cache or network file systems.

Time categories

SequentialThe total wall-clock time spent outside of parallel regions
Sequential OverheadAn estimate of the time spent in OpenMP regions that were not executed within an OpenMP parallel region.

These include serialized critical sections and orphaned OpenMP constructs. If a critical section, used to protect code segments from being executed concurrently by multiple threads, will never be executed within an OpenMP parallel region, that critical section will be adding unnecessary overhead and could be eliminated

ParallelThe total wall-clock time spent inside of parallel regions
Parallel OverheadAn estimate of the time spent in OpenMP runtime engine, which implements OpenMP.

A large amount of time in this category indicates too fine-grained parallelism, excessive synchronization, or excessive use of THREADPRIVATE variables.

SynchronizedTime spent inside critical sections and locks.
LockTime spent waiting to enter critical sections and to acquire locks.
BarrierTime spent waiting for other threads to arrive at a barrier.
ImbalanceTime spent waiting for other threads to reach the end of a parallel region.

Program events

mppadjThe number of times that the number of threads was adjusted
mppaffThe number of times that the affinity of a thread was set
mppbarThe number of BARRIER OpenMP constructs encountered
mppbegThe number of times that the OpenMP runtime engine was initialized, due to program start, DLL loads, etc.
mppdeoThe number of ORDERED OpenMP constructs entered
mppdin(Loop Setup) The number of non-statically scheduled DO (or FOR) OpenMP constructs encountered
mppdnx(Loop Dispatch) The number of times that work from a non-statically scheduled DO (or FOR) OpenMP construct is dispatched to threads
mppdonThe number of ORDERED OpenMP constructs
mppdxoThe number of ORDERED OpenMP constructs exited
mppebrThe number of BARRIER OpenMP constructs entered
mppecsThe number of CRITICAL OpenMP constructs entered, and the number of omp_set_lock() and omp_set_nest_lock() calls made
mppendThe number of times that the OpenMP runtime engine was shut down, due to program end, DLL unload, etc.
mppfkdCheck Active
mppfrk(Fork) The number of PARALLEL (including PARALLEL DO, PARALLEL FOR, etc) OpenMP constructs entered, i.e., that were executed in parallel
mppiwsWork Info
mppjoi(Join) The number of PARALLEL (including PARALLEL DO, PARALLEL FOR, etc) OpenMP constructs exited, i.e., that were executed in parallel
mppnthThe number of times that a number of threads query was made (including omp_get_num_threads())
mpppqaInstPar qAlloc
mpppqcInstPar qCopy
mpppqsInstPar qSetup
mpptidThe number of times that a thread identification query was made (including omp_get_thread_num())
mpptpaInstTsk qAlloc (The number of times that THREADPRIVATE variables were allocated or instantiated inside TASKQ region ?)
mpptpaInstTsk qCopy (The number of times that THREADPRIVATE variables were allocated or instantiated and copied in via COPYIN inside TASKQ region ?)
mppvsyVariable Sync (The number of ATOMIC OpenMP constructs encountered ?)
mppxbrThe number of BARRIER OpenMP constructs exited
mppxcsThe number of CRITICAL OpenMP constructs exited, and the number of omp_unset_lock() and omp_unset_nest_lock() calls made
mppxprThe number of times that a number of processors query was made (including omp_get_num_procs())
mppxthThe number of times that a maximum number of threads query was made (including omp_get_max_threads())
mptppaInstPar tAllo (The number of times that THREADPRIVATE variables were allocated or instantiated inside PARALLEL region ?)
mptppcInstPar tCopy (The number of times that THREADPRIVATE variables were allocated or instantiated and copied in via COPYIN inside PARALLEL region ?)
mptppcInstPar tSetu
mpttpaInstTsk tAllo (The number of times that THREADPRIVATE variables were allocated or instantiated inside TASK region ?)
mpttpcInstTsk tCopy (The number of times that THREADPRIVATE variables were allocated or instantiated and copied in via COPYIN inside TASK region ?)